I miss my sons. They each live in different cities quite far from the home they were raised in. Even though there is geographical distance between all of us we still remain very close. I am actually very happy for my sons. I am proud that they had the independence to make it on their own without Dr. Alex and myself. But, like today the memories do sometimes overtake me.
This started me thinking about what I call "memory" wine versus "prized" wine. For me, wine is so much about the moment than the capture. Think about the many special events in your life that you associate with a wine: the Cabernet you toasted on your son's first birthday; the Champagne that you and your significant other used to mark your committment to each other; the Bordeaux your father gave to you before he died to save for a special occasion.
On the other hand, there are many prizes that are sought after by people who appreciate fine wines. You know, the 1992 Screaming Eagle, 1982 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, 1978 LeMontrachet and of course the 1947 Cheval Blanc, just to name some of the most treasured.
If given the choice would you select the special memory wine or the prized and desired wine? In the end is wine about special memories that you cherished and might get a chance to taste and smell that experience one more time? Or for you, is wine about the pursuit, the catch and the prize?
I know what I would do, what about you?
I'm really interested in your thoughts on the subject.
Please send me comments, questions or just say "hi Donna Reed".
I'm feeling lonely. No one has written or commented.
Have a wonderful 6 apron day.
Mrs. Reed
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