We all know good looking women who cover their faces with globs of makeup, wear clothes with too many bows and then accessorize their ensemble with jewelry box stashes of glittery faux bangles and beads. Well, that was my metaphor for last Saturday evening's experiences of globby entertainment, overly starched food and highly manipulated wine. Yes, great possiblities ruined with way too many overdone ingredients.
Dr. Alex and I began our evening meeting our friends Lovey and Thurston Howell at the movies. We were looking forward to seeing Johnny Depp's new movie, Publice Enemy. Well, if the director, Michael Mann had been a woman instead of a man I am sure he would have bright red lipstick smeared all over his/her face and been covered in big brightly colored bangles. Yes, he directed this movie with such long, drawn out, boring scenes that I found myself struggling to view what time my watched displayed, hoping this wretched movie would soon end.
The funny thing about this movie is that it should have been at least decent. The movie has some wonderful actors, including Depp, Christian Bale, Billy Crudup and Marion Cotillard. But instead of giving us a glimpse into why John Dillenger was the monster he came to be we watched shoot 'em up after car chase, capture the bad guys, escape and then shoot 'em up again. No insight into any of the characters in the movie. Just a waste of good talent with overdone globbiness.
After 2 hours and 20 minutes of wiggling in my seat the movie was over and I was free to go and live my life again. Yeah, time to eat and drink, what could be better than that? Well, hold on here till you hear the rest of this story. Globbiness continues to be ahead for me on this Saturday evening of the "overdone".
Before we left to meet the Howells, I had planned ahead (always thinking about my next meal and glass of wine). With the approval of Lovey Howell, I made reservations at a local Zagat rated dinner establishment. This particular restaurant prides itself on being the "best from the past" kind of joint. Frank Sinatra music gently playing, leather booths, dimly lit and retro style food. Sounds good, yes, I thought so too. Ut oh, gloobiness is just my horoscope reading for the evening. Michael Mann could have been the chef at this under achieving poor excuse of a restaurant. Yes, they serve twice baked potato, (there is a reason most restaurants don't serve that grunge anymore, it is a great way to ruin a perfectly good potato) and the obligatory iceberg salad (drowning in a thick white so-called blue cheese dressing). Finally the dried out halibut in some kind of (ick) cream sauce was presented along with sting beans you could very easily choke on. Finishing with an almost melting ice cream sundae (I told you retro). Oh by the way they pacify you while you wait until 8:15 for your 7:30 reservations with potato chips and ranch dressing. No, I'm not kidding really that happened.
And then what really ticked me off was the wine. (Yep, I always want to include wine reviews in any of my postings). Let me say right from the get go, Donna gives no frigging aprons (oops can Donna say frigging) to this poor fermented glass of cocktail wine. I call wine that is so thickly viscous and overly alcoholic it would be better off being a gin and tonic, cocktail wine.
My wine was a 2005 Tandem (Ritchie) Russian River Valley, Chardonnay. Egads what were the Tandem people thinking? The only time I would suggest drinking this wine is when you are so drunk it doesn't matter what you consume. No aprons or frigging aprons in this case will be given. Dr. Alex ordered a 2006 Domaine Chandon (Carneros) Pinot Noir. To be fair the wine was served about 20 degrees too warm and tasted as though it had been in a 4 day opened bottle on the bar. Maybe under the correct conditions it would have been a better wine but what Dr. Alex was served once again can not receive any aprons.
Thurston and Lovey said they were still loopy from drinking so much the evening before and begged off any alcohol. Since we were paying for dinner that was perfectly fine with us. Just kidding ofcourse but they were actually the smart ones that evening since the iced tea was the safest drink at this very loud and (yes, I am going to say, uncouth) poor excuse for a restaurant.
All of this did get me thinking about possessing and then wasting basically sound ingredients. You know, the good looking woman who detracts from her good looks by wearing too much make-up. The movie with gifted actors but a director who doesn't maximize their talents. A restaurant with a nice theme idea but instead of serving simple and good quality retro style food drowns it with cream, butter, mayo and buries the gem he could offer to his patrons. And of course the winery that takes grapes that were grown with sweat and hard work and destroys their purity and varietal charms with too much maneuvering.
In the end is just easier to cover up what we are all about? Are we afraid that if the "real" person is seen we won't be good enough? Is globbiness safer than letting our real gifts shine through? I would love to know what you think. While I'm waiting to hear from you I think I'll go powder my nose. God forbid I let anyone see me perspire. Oh my that would be way too un-Donna Reed like!
Have an amazing multiple apron day.
Mrs. Reed
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