The house is so hot that my furry White Fang can barely lift his head from our cool wooden floors to even chase a squirrel. (If the truth were told, White Fang wouldn’t chase a squirrel even if his life was on the line). White Fang wants to remain anonymous and so the only thing he would let me show was his beautiful (so he says) nose.

One of the benefits of summer is the succulent, delicious fruit we are blessed with. (No, Mrs. Reed is not going religious on you, it is just an expression). Since, Dr. Alex and I are the only people currently residing in our cheery, cozy home I find myself with an excess of fruit going bad before we can consume it all. For that reason the last few years I have been making preserves with the leftovers.
Ok, aprons on and ready to go.
You will need approximate quantities of the following:
6 cups strawberries
1 pint blueberries
1 peeled apple-cored, seeded and finely chopped
10 pitted cherries
Lemon zest from 1 small lemon, and juice from ½ of the zested lemon
3 tablespoons Grand Marnier
3 cups superfine granulated sugar
Splash of balsamic vinegar
Here we go; remove the stem from the strawberries and cut in half. Take all the washed and dried fruit and dump it (yup dump it) into a sturdy pot. Crank up the stove (not too high but past medium), then add the sugar, with all of the other ingredients. Ok, here is the technical requirements; stir with a wooden spoon while your yummy concoction gently bubbles (approx 30 minutes). Place in the pot a candy thermometer and let it slowly boil until it reaches 220 degrees. Here lies the tricky part; it never reaches 220. So when you are close to that temp for at least 25 minutes you can call it quits. Turn off the heat, remove the pot (uncovered) and let it cool for about one hour. Place the fruit preserves in whatever container works for you and then chill.
Dr. Alex loves this on his toast, muffins, ice cream, pound cake or whatever he desires. I did serve this to Wally and Mary Alice when they were here for a visit and received raves from the both of them. In fact on several occasions I have spied Dr. Alex enjoying his preserves straight from the container without any toast or muffin.
All this fruit compote/preserve talk got me thinking about wine I recently enjoyed that also denoted the tastes of deep, dark summer fruit.
2006 Testarossa Pinot Noir Gary’s, Santa Lucia-approx $50.00-3 ½ apron wine
2006 Twomey Pinot Noir-Russian River Valley-approx $45.00-3 apron wine
Both of these Pinot Noir wines display fresh strawberries and cherries as well other complex notes.
Try to stay and cool and enjoy the wonders of the summer season.
May your aprons stay free of jelly stains.
Please let me know what wines you are enjoying and what you are doing with the fruits of summer. I sure would appreciate hearing from you.
Mrs. Reed
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