Here is my list of some of the least interesting:
Honestly, does it really matter?
1. If Paula Abdul signs her contract with American Idol? Honestly, as long as Simon shows up who really cares about the other judges?
2. If Hurley dies on “Lost”. Honestly, just keep cutie Dr. Jack alive and there will be no worries regarding the fate of the other island castaways.
3. Who is the new Surgeon General? Honestly, as long as C. Everett Koop isn’t reappointed does it matter?
4. If John and Kate plus 8 stay together? Honestly enough of those poor kids being exploited by their despicable parents. Where is Angelina Jolie when she is really needed?
5. What ever happened to the Olson Twins? Honestly, does anyone care?
6. What gender is Heidi Klum’s new baby? Honestly, enough of that perfect body giving birth. Please spare us any details.
7. If Kirstie Alley lost her weight for the hundredth time? I beg of you Mr. Reporter please do not share that with us.
8. What kind of beer was served at the “White House Beer Summit”? Honestly, since wine wasn’t served or even offered, forget about it.
9. Sara Palin!!!!!!!!!!!! Please keep it to yourself. Honestly, we already have too much information.
10. Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, the mother of Jude Law’s baby, honestly, does any of it matter?
Here are a few things that do honestly matter:
1. Restaurants-please serve us red wine at the correct temperature. Nothing is worse than too warm red wine.
2. Restaurants-please don’t gouge us with out of line wine prices. If you are fair with us we will reciprocate by patronizing your establishment.
3. Restaurants-give us some info on the wine. We would appreciate knowing the region, varietals, alcohol percentage and of course vintage.
4. Restaurants-please give us some interesting choices instead of the usual suspects of well know “brands”.
5. Restaurants-please more Viognier, Mourvedre, Cabernet Franc, Gruner Veltliner and Cru Beaujolais, for starters.
6. Restaurants-when we order a bottle please do not over pour too much wine into the glass. Let us enjoy our sniff and swirl routine.
7. Restaurants-please, please, please provide decent wine glasses. The short, thick old fashioned glasses detract from the wine.
8. Restaurants-please offer some decent half bottles. Sometimes, Dr. Alex and I just want a glass of wine for the evening. You know those nights when Dr. Alex has to see patients after dinner. Which seems kind of funny since Dr. Alex is not a doctor.
9. Restaurants-please don’t serve me a wine by that glass from yesterday’s bottle. Ugh, I know that over the hill feeling and I don’t want to have to drink it. Open a new bottle and let your employees take home last night’s leftovers.
10. Restaurants- finally here is a personal request-lots more choices for Sparkling wine by the glass, please.
Wishing you pleated apron day that really matters!
Mrs. Reed
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