Currently there is so much political rancor, fear mongering and plain old fashion crazy accusations being bandied about, that when I read the tiniest bit of civility it warms my heart. This morning I read in my daily newspaper an editorial written by someone I probably never agree with. Nevertheless his editorial was so heart warming about his devotion to his loving dog that I understood I did have a lot in common with this person.
The writer of this editorial is Jonah Goldberg. Mr. Goldberg writes about his dog and the great concerns he has for his pup’s questionable health. Dogs bring people together like nothing else. When Dr. Alex and I bring White Fang to the dog park it feels as if we are entering a fantasy land where barriers quickly dissipate as we fall into the joy of watching our furry children play.
I began thinking how possibly Congress should have a Bring Your Dog to Work Day. Just think of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Grassley sitting side by side observing their dogs frolicking with each other. Maybe, just maybe all the licking, kissing, sniffing and sharing of love could rub off on our elected officials. Instead of childish accusations just possibly they could finally stop bickering and pass some legislation that could benefit us all.
Oh yes, and let’s add one more thing to that “Bring Your Dog to Work Day.” How about a "Share Your Favorite Bottle of Wine with Someone from the Opposite Party" while your dogs are busy frolicking?
Gotta go, White Fang is busy with Lassie rescuing Timmy from the well. That kid never seems to learn.
May I suggest; 2006 Lemelson Vineyards, Jerome Reserve Pinot Noir, Willamette Valley-approx $58.00-4 aprons
Hope your apron forms a beautiful bow.
Mrs. Reed
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