David Letterman with his sleazy behavior perpetuates the portrayal of the lecherous boss who manipulates the young ingénue into compromising herself for career advancements. Letterman places a distasteful face on all men. It is really a shame that a man who has risen the ranks through hard work and talent displays such poor judgment by having affairs with his young staffers.
And then, to go on national television after he is forced to reveal his transgressions and make jokes about such a serious subject is reprehensible. Letterman, who uses his monologue every night to ridicule the likes of Bill Clinton, Mark Sanford and Elliot Spitzer, honestly should know better. He obviously has never really listened to the jokes his staff writes for him to recite every night. Maybe, if he had really paid attention it may have occurred to him that he actually heads the list of "succesful men behaving badly."
I have two sons, Wally and Beaver. They know better then to take advantage of young women. Their father, Dr, Alex, played an important part in displaying excellent role modeling regarding the respect of women. First of all Dr. Alex was terrified of his own mother and secondly he knows where my rolling pin would end up if he ever behaved like that late night talk show host.
I am sure that Letterman will make sure his son goes to all the best private schools money can buy. But, a little tip for you David, your son's real education comes from the role modeling you present him. You are his number one instructor. He will learn from your behavior. I hope you don't find it acceptable when he does something wrong that instead of making a sincere apology he makes jokes about it. How will you feel when and if he is in a position of responsibility, and choses to abuse the trust of his supporters?
No, you are not an elected official like the other sleazes I mentioned but you are and should be a role model on a basic level. We let you into our homes and you violated our trust. Now, stand up and be a "real man" by taking an honest and sincere responsibility for your actions. Your audience, your staff and males all over this country, including your son, need you to turn your bad behavior into a learning and teaching opportunity.
For being 100% tasteless in everyway, David Letterman, you are the first recipient of the Two Buck Chuck Award! (No Dave, I didn't mean the Two Buck Chick Award)
Wishing you learn how to tie your apron properly.
Mrs. Reed
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